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  • Esoterra 19 West 45th Street, Suite 501 New York, NY 10036 (map)

March 3, 2020 • 6:30-8:00PM • With Deborah Braun

Did you know that there is great power in the words we use? According to ancient metaphysical wisdom the words we speak as well as our thoughts can give you protection from negativity, grant you relief from suffering, and release you from difficult situations or ...... they can do the opposite. 

Science has shown that words and sound vibration can affect our nervous system, our heart rate and even our brain chemistry ultimately.

Most people constantly speak either internally or externally and oftentimes it is in reaction to external or internal triggers. This loop can have an adverse effect on our health and our mental and emotional well being. It can drain our energy and leave us exhausted.

In this workshop we will learn simple, universal and ancient techniques stop this negative loop and instead begin to tap into the power of the word through healing sound meditations, beautiful universal prayers; we will learn how to practically apply them in our daily life so we can initiate internal and external peace and positive, and healing changes can take place in our lives and those around us.

This workshop is open to everyone looking to become the best version of themselves.

Come prepared to breathe and practice Naam sound meditation as well as learn the central principles of Divine Spiritual Wisdom to transform your life. Bring something to write with and comfortable clothing. 

Price: $50 single class; $ 82 for 2 people

Looking forward to seeing you!

Register here

Deborah Braun passionately shares the discipline of Shakti Naam Yoga, Harmonyum Healing and Divine Spiritual Wisdom as taught by Joseph Michael Levry as powerful for transformation, healing and self-realization. Her greatest desire is to help people shift their perception and find their innate strength, empowering them to make a difference in the world while freeing themselves from depression, disease, and self-limiting patterns.

Deborah is a cofounder of Naam and travels throughout the year, sharing her many talents in a global capacity by teaching on the Naam Yoga Therapies and Shakti Naam Yoga senior teacher training team. Naam Yoga® is a unique practical spiritual system of self-healing which unites ancient and time-proven doctrines of the East with those of the West including healing arts, yogic practices, sound meditation, mysticism, mathematics of spirituality and the laws of nature. These therapeutic techniques can easily be applied to business, relationships, health, stress and for a better way of life.

Deborah facilitates, organizes and translates at international events for founder, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry and is a contributing editor of his book, Shakti Naam Yoga: The Gift of Health. The book is dedicated to recalibrating the totality of body mind and spirit. Deborah offers Harmonyum healing treatments. Harmonyum is a transcendental healing system that addresses the innate relationship of the body and the mind. Deborah was blessed to join Dr. Levry during four Naam Yoga super classes, attended by 12,000 in 2011, 15,000 in 2012, 21,000 in 2014, 100,000 in 2015 and over 330000 in 2017.

Through a combination of private counseling and workshops she teaches Shakti Naam Yoga and Naam Yoga Therapies classes focusing on brain and nervous system health. Deborah has more than two decades of teaching experience and is trained in Ashtanga as taught by Pattabi Jois. Deborah Braun was born and raised in Switzerland and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the Tisch School of Performing Arts. Her background reflects extensive experience in theatre, television, film and radio both in Germany and the USA.