Harmonyum Level 1 Certification

February 5 - 9, 2020 I Santa Monica, USA 

Harmonyum I is a highly sophisticated, gentle and non-invasive healing system that directs the pristine energetic forces concentrated within the human body in the service of physical, emotional, and mental healing. As a recipient, one experiences light touch along the spine while fully clothed. Receiving Harmonyum I on a regular basis liberates a person from destructive, self-sabotaging habits, freeing and empowering the recipient to make positive, healing changes in their daily life.

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Harmonyum Level ll Certification

MAY 20 - 24, 2020 I SANTA MONICA, USA

Harmonyum II is a revolutionary healing system, unmatched in its regenerative abilities. It enhances, protects and restores the healthy function of all organs while positively strengthening the body's life force. When one’s energy has been depleted and compromised by illness, long hours of work, or even when recovering from surgery, Harmonyum II releases a high rate of vibrational energy that saturates the recipient and grants the body, mind and heart a pervading sense of peace and wellbeing.

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Harmonyum Level lIl Certification


Harmonyum III is an advanced application of the Harmonyum Healing System. It works with the body's natural processes to heal and open the heart by purifying it from all suffering, pain and destructive energies. One Harmonyum III healing treatment can be as effective as years worth of therapy. It accesses the deep recesses of the heart where deeply rooted negative patterns are stored, to release everything that is not beneficial to the system and fully repair itself. Level III Harmonyum Healing is particularly effective when the origin of one’s disease or health challenge is unknown.

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